Recipe for Pineapple Jam We have included this recipe for pineapple jam for you to try. When pineapples are plentiful and cheap, like now, that is the perfect time to make homemade pineapple jam. Pineapple jam is rarely stocked in supermarkets, so making your own...
Autumn and Winter Jams and Marmalade Australia’s amazing variety of fresh fruit, Pineapple, Feijoa, Orange and Lime are transformed into Autumn and Winter jams and marmalade by our master jam maker, Wendy. Pineapple jam, Feijoa jam, Orange marmalade and Lime...
This is my official page for my homemade jam. You can also link to my website through this. www.whic
With February starting this Saturday, I will be back at Sutherland Shire Farmers' Market this Saturday. Remember I am there on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, and if there is a 5th Saturday I am usually there also. Love to see you all there! ... See MoreSee Less
Bring out your scones. Bring out your bread. Bring out your ice-cream! We have Peach and Passionfruit Jam again. On my way back from visiting family in Melbourne, I stopped off at my favourite fruit shop in Cobram, where the owner had peaches and apricots ready for me. Madly cooking and processing fruit. I hope to process all the peaches today and the apricots tomorrow. I get a lot of time off at Christmas, NOT. LOL! ... See MoreSee Less